Tom Cruise has bad teeth. His smile is all gummy, his gums are all red and irritated, his two front teeth are like Chiclets, and they are off center.

Steve Buscemi has bad teeth, but he is a great actor. He has that one awful snaggle tooth. It's like that one tooth is British. The rest of his mouth isn't pretty, but that one makes me nauseous.

Mike Tyson has bad teeth. If you ever run into him, I hope you have had your tetanus shot.

Madonna has bad teeth. Madonna, it isn't cute, that gap is gross and unsettling. Grab some spackle and a trowel, and fill that sucker in.

John Heder has bad teeth. In Napoleon Dynamite the teeth fit the role perfectly, since then it is just distracting. Though perhaps it will distract people from how bad he is in every movie not called Napoleon Dynamite.

Hillary Duff has bad teeth. The worst part? These horse teeth are self inflicted. Duff used to have a nice, normal smile, until she capped them all.

Elliott Yamin from American Idol has bad teeth. Poor spacing, over sized, yellow, what isn't going wrong here?

Amy Winehouse has bad teeth. Yikes. She looks like a crazy person. Oh wait, she is.

Avril Lavigne has bad teeth. They would almost be nice, if she didn't have that one vampire fang.

Ricky Gervais has bad teeth. He is funny as hell, but his teeth aint helping him. Being British is no excuse, you still have to floss.

Morgan Freeman has bad teeth. It's like he has to inverse snaggle teeth. Instead of being big and sticking out, his incisors are tiny, and hidden. The orange hue isn't doing him any favors either.

Jewel has bad teeth. Is she super hot? Yes. But she looks better with her mouth closed.

Hillary has bad teeth. No explanation needed.

And your biggest flaw is your personality.
ReplyDeleteI think you are an absolutely awful person for criticizing anyone's teeth.
Who are you to judge them? They will be a million times for successful than you shall ever be, with or with out "perfect teeth".
I mean for goodness sake.. none of us are perfect. I'm sure you have your flaws.. and your biggest one is your personality from what i can tell.
Stick to judging yourself and leave these people alone. After all they are only human.. as are we all.
Jess (Model) Age: 16 Sex: Female
What do you model? Dentures?
ReplyDeleteJess - *Yawn*
ReplyDeleteShow us a pic of you Jess!
ReplyDeleteYou know its really time to grow up. Everybody has flaws and I would love to see a picture of you sometime and pick fun at your teeth.I think your biggest flaw is your discusting personality. So like I said grow up.
ReplyDeleteWow your taste is awful. Not everyone here has bad teeth. Avril Lavigne's teeth are very sexy, for example.
ReplyDeletePeople should comment on the author's work, you can't tell what an author thinks by what they write. Anyone can write any awful thing that runs through their mind and as far as you know the author is just being creative. Something like this has the potential to be on an E! special (not saying much for the programming of E!.) Anyway being a hateful troll is far worse than writing about celebrities' bad teeth.
ReplyDeleteYall are the most evil people in the world. I would love to see who wrote this, and I would like a shot of them.
ReplyDeleteI want to pick apart everything that's wrong with you because something is.
Either you're jealous of how famous/beautiful they are, or you're looking for attention, but most likely both.
You're a crude, evil person for writing this.
Avril Lavigne is one of the most stunning people on this planet, and you are definitely NOT.
I'd like to your inverse snaggle tooth, vampire fang, gaps, and how yellow you're teeth are, you hyprocritical, bored pig.
HAHAHA! This is funny, and I'm sure was meant to be. Much of comedy is at the expense of someone - and like the other poster said, this is the kind of programming many pop-"news" type shows present~
ReplyDeleteFor the ones defending random celebrities who will never read this and won't even care (most likely) if they did - grow up. Yeah, we all have flaws. But no one gives a crap that I have a low hairline and have actively keep my eyebrows from growing into eyebrow.
However, it is entertaining to pick out the flaws when the person is notable, and frequently seen at a near "idol" status - Sorry Elliot, not picking you out here.
HELLO! its called freedom of speech/press this author has the right to write what she/he feels and you have the right not to read it.. if you don't like it move on!
ReplyDeletei have really bad teeth
ReplyDeletethis made me feel better lol
cuz atleast im not a star.
though it is kinda rude to poke fun.
Some of these actors really have great teeth! Whats wrong with Kirsten's teeth? There cute & normal. Avril's? That vampire tooth is cute! Hilary's? Hilary Duff's teeth are BEAUTIFUL and if I had her money I would cap all my teeth too! John Heder's? What's wrong with his teeth? Madonna and Jewel & Steve? Their teeth are like their trademark. They are cute & quirky! I mean, Madonna without her gap? It wouldn't be Madonna! There is NOTHING wrong with these ladies & gent's teeth! Now, as for all the others - yeah, I can see your point. When people like Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman (you can't really blame him, he's an older gentleman & teeth get old with age) and Hillary Clinton have the money they have - they really SHOULD get their teeth fixed (especially Tom!) but even so - they really aren't all that bad. Now Amy - yeah, that girl needs a dentist!
ReplyDeleteHey,why don't we see a pic of your teeth?
ReplyDeleteAnd since you critisized all these rich celebs, lets see your paycheck too.
Everyone is laughing at the author for being such an introverted piece of flotsam. I will knock out your teeth so you can gum my dick.
ReplyDeleteKirsten Dunst and Avril Lavigne's teeth were cute. Tom Cruise's teeth look perfectly fine. Jon Heder's teeth are adorable. Morgan Freeman is the shit. Hilary Duff still looks alright, but I agree I thought she looked pretty before.
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure my ass is much nicer than yours.
ReplyDeletehey avrils teeth are pretty nice imo, id like teeth like that whos cares about the vampire tooth
ReplyDeletehaha, everyone should just take this as a joke. This was hiliarious! and why is everyone sticking up for avril lavigne or however you spell her name, she's washed up, unless your a 10 year old girl stuck in the early 2000s.
ReplyDeletep.s. I love kirsten's elf teeth
People like you are the reason why people like me need angermanagment. Christ what a pic you are. I am sure you are just sitting behind your computer all day, looking up those pictures and so angry that you cannot smile yourself. Prolly so fat allready that you need 2 chairs for your ass by this time. Get a life idiot
ReplyDeleteI like the gap between two front teeth honestly, it doesnt mean bad teeth, they're healthy, there's nothing wrong with it. it just doesnt seem to satisfy YOUR needs on an esthetic level. this says more about your superficial personality than these celebrities, whom we should admire for trying to keep natural.
ReplyDeleteWhat's wrong with always wanting to "fix" something thats not considered normal? if it does no damage to the people there's no problem with it. People like YOU are horrible for our society of insecure girls (Im one of them) trying to get thinner, more perfect, and basically destroy not only their natural beauty but also their pure personality.
And people wonder why people get plastic surgery or botox all the time..
wow you're really mean and judgmental! get a life dude... and stop picking on celebrities you stupid jerk! :P
ReplyDeleteyou're an ass
ReplyDeleteUnless their teeth are filled with cavities or unless they have gum problems, there is no problem. In fact some of the celebrities here with "bad" teeth, in fact have and keep them them as a signature.
ReplyDeleteGuys, I think you should cut the blog owner some slack because this article (and the commentary) is just from an e-mail that's being passed around the Web. It's just a repost! Though it's true that some of the celebrities mentioned in the article don't really have issues regarding their dental health, the important thing is that as long as your personality is good, it doesn't matter if you have bad or good teeth.
ReplyDeleteBianca - Las Vegas, Nevada
Woaah! Everyone, grow up! The author is just writing what we all want to hear? If you don't like this, don't read it? Simple. Go moan at a bunch of magazines that complain about famous people's makeup, clothes or spot crisis.
ReplyDeleteThey can deal with the criticism, so you can too!
Yeah, this isn't that offensive. These folks don't fit the perfect teeth mold. It's a fact. The great thing is that they have the means to fix them (dental care ain't cheap), but choose not to, hence showcasing their confidence and 'devil may care' attitude. It's part of their charm (though I gotta draw the line at Steve Buscemi's... doesn't look healthy).
ReplyDeleteNo one has perfect teeth because no one is perfect, retard =P
ReplyDelete(Also I don't know why anyone would give a sh it about a celebs teeth...just kinda creepy. (: )
The results are in. At least 25 of the 30 comments so far have been made by people who are too fucking stupid to realize that this was not written by the author of the site. I must need to spell it out for all of you. YOU ARE ON A WEBPAGE TITLED "Funny & Interesting Email Forwards". Hmmm... that would imply that the comments WERE WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE (A FORWARDED EMAIL AS THE NAME OF THE WEBPAGE WOULD INDICATE). Just because you happen to get here from google or whatever, does not discount that you are retarded for criticizing the poster for something he/she did not create. You fucking retards need to do the world a favor and kill yourself, because if you idiots manage to have offspring reproduced, our world is doomed. Your gene pool needs some bleach you downies.
ReplyDeleteI think that this is hilarious, as it was intended to be. To those that state that the author is making fun of imperfect teeth they should take another look at Hillary Duff's mouth. Those teeth are "perfect" according to Hollywood and they look terrifying as hell. It isn't about them having imperfect teeth- it's about them choosing to have their careers in 3 different industries (movies, music, politics) that all value esthetics as they should because people look to them as examples. For many of them, it is a positive example that they have left their teeth as they are- such as Jewel, or Madonna, whose teeth appear to be otherwise healthy- but really Hillary Clinton, or Morgan Freeman, or Steve Buschemi? They have rot mouth and more money than they obviously know what to do with- they should probably take better care of themselves. As for back to Hillary Duff, she had too much money, and clearly not enough brain power so she had her nice teeth filed down into pointy little spikes and capped so that they look awful.
ReplyDeleteFor those of you that claim you want to see someone comment that has perfect teeth- well according to the dentist- I do. I just don't know how to put a picture up. Nor do I feel the need. My main reason for writing in is to say that I thought this commentary was funny. I am a good person. And I still thought it was funny. Imagine that.
its funny, laugh
ReplyDeleteHahaha what a bunch of keyboard warriors!! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you don't like it then tough!! To Jess the first poster why did you feel the need to put model in brackets after your name? Make you feel better about yourself?! You come on the net bashing the author but then feel the need to plug your so called career, you are the pathetic one in that equation my dear!
ReplyDeleteI found the text accompanying the pics only mildly amusing, but I loved the article overall. My teeth look remarkably like Hilary Clinton's...and although I'm very self-conscious about my teeth, *I've never noticed hers.* Maybe I'm a bit more obsessed with how imperfect my teeth are than I should be...?
ReplyDeleteI agree with the poster that observed these celebs could easily pay to correct their dental issues, but choose to maintain a certain element of imperfection. Maybe those who are all enraged by this post should consider that these celebs seem okay with their teeth; there's no such thing as bad publicity; and life's kind of short to work yourself up into such a frenzy over people you don't even know.
I hope all of you shallow superficial assholes die in a acid fire.
ReplyDeleteIt´s true, they have bad teeth hahaha
ReplyDeleteYeah I douche bag probably made this, and it's mean and cruel but it's just a joke!!!
ReplyDeletei wish i had cute teeth like kirsten dunst or avril. teeth like that are interesting. dentists are convincing too many people to have braces these days for no reason and i say NO MORE!
ReplyDeleteobviously i realise that some people do need braces but others should leave their naturally unique teeth alone.
I think imperfections make people who they are. And some of those celebs are gorgeous without the "perfect" teeth. Madonna is a beautiful woman, so is jewel, Hillary and kirsten Dunst. Tom Cruise is hot too. Some of you who posted about this sound extremely superficial and shallow. And im guessing even if you do have braces enhanced teeth, your face is probably so ugly it doesn't really make a difference.
ReplyDeleteThese celebrities have nice smiles, but their teeth may need more work. Hillary Duff's teeth particularly caught my interest - they're all aligned and white as a pearl, but she didn't have to cap them all. She had a wonderful set of teeth when she was younger. I really admired her for that!
ReplyDeleteEgo maniacs... Why are you so obsessed with teeth? People like you are sickening, dull, and a nightmare to talk to.
ReplyDeleteass penis teeth, who gives a fuck chill out its just teeeeeeth
ReplyDeleteIf it wasn't for the really stupid generalisation of British people for a joke, I would actually find it some what funny in an unconventional sense. But you really had to sink to British jokes? We don't all have bad teeth just like I'm sure you don't have some stupid stereotypical feature or habit. And as a writer or a person who should pride themselves on their work, you had to pick apart other people's physical attributes just to get some material? Dude, self expression is cool, but being so critical of others just to get you some hits is pretty stupid and requires a lack of imagination if anything.
ReplyDeletePointing out the flaws of others is a nasty habit. Please find something better to do with your time.
ReplyDeleteHey we al have our flaws, I have an over sized cock. Its huge. But I just live with it. What else can I do?
ReplyDeletelol most writters are overweight, so how about an article about obesity in journalism? XD
ReplyDeleteDear author,
ReplyDeleteFuck you.
Everyone who has a flaw. In other words, everyone.
I did not have idea of these celebrities with bad teeth. I just came to know about it through your blog. That’s a nice showing of the star images having some ugly smiles because of their teeth. Thanks for sharing it here.